Maths Anxiety Awareness Day - 10th November 2021

The Maths Mum® talks Maths Anxiety with Rob Jennings, The Dyscalculia Network.

This video talks about Maths Anxiety in relation to parents, teachers, TAs as well as children. We talk about identification and root cause. We talk about how it is ‘hereditary’. And we talk about how to deal with it.

Maths Anxiety is a real problem facing many children. Disorganisation, helplessness, apprehension, tension and in some cases, sheer panic when faced with maths problems. And yet, Maths Anxiety often goes unnoticed, or accepted, "I'm just not good at maths."

That's why on 10th November 2021, The Dyscalculia Network, The Maths Anxiety Trust and Learnus are launching the first Maths Anxiety Awareness Day, designed to help teachers and parents to identify the signs of maths anxiety and tackle them, helping to restore confidence and a love of learning maths.

To find out more visit:

Karen McGuigan