the inspiration
It all started with 22 balls and 3 bags.
A couple of years ago, I came across this posting on a local parents Facebook group and I responded. My response and the reaction to it got me thinking. If a parent can’t help a child with their maths homework then what is that child going to think... Maths must be really difficult. And then that child will think it’s ok if they can’t do it as their parents can’t even do it. This doesn’t set them up to succeed, it gives them the validation to fail. This didn’t sit well with me. I love maths. I always have. From a young age I remember just getting it and enjoying solving the problems. I want to pass my passion and enjoyment of maths on to my children. But bigger than that I want to share my passion and help other parents to help their children grow confident and passionate about maths. And hence The Maths Mum® was born.
Let’s be clear, most of us can do basic mathematics. We do it in our daily lives - mangaging household budgets, calculating the cost of a holiday, working out how much paint we need to buy, modifying the recipe for 18 people rather than 6 and of course, knowing the correct number of days until Santa arrives from mid July! The Maths Mum® is not about teaching you to suck eggs but helping you to communicate with your children about maths in a way that they understand, using the terminology and techniques they are taught at school. Most of us will have covered the same syllabus twenty years earlier but during that time the government has made changes to the national curriculum and developed new ‘improved’ ways of teaching children the same basic one plus one equals two. And this is what we as parents need to know.
Karen McGuigan
The original inspiration for The Maths Mum.
The first attempt at The Maths Mum® ‘style’.