I'm official - I've got BUSINESS CARDS!
It has been a really exciting and busy couple of weeks. I have done several KS1 Tuition Groups and the feedback continues to be really positive. Lots of people keen to have more ‘stuff’ and having to turn away people wanting to do the KS2 course.
The good news is that I’ve have made good progress with the KS2 collateral and hopefully aiming to have the Lower KS2 Course (Year 3 & 4) ready by mid November. It is a challenge trying to find the uninterrupted blocks of time I need to sit down and write but getting better at timetabling my life!
And I now have BUSINESS CARDS!!! I feel so grown up. It’s been almost 9 years since I had a business card but most excitingly of all is that they read “Karen McGuigan, Founder”… my own business, me the boss. I still can’t quite believe it. Hope you like the design - all my own inspiration - nothing like a throw back to a classroom blackboard so show your age!
Finally, wish me luck. I’m doing my first presentation at a school tomorrow. Talking Maths at Reception Year coffee morning by invitation of the Head of Infants. Important times!