Question: I am keen to learn a bit more about your maths book. I don't want to buy if it is not suitable. My son has Downs syndrome. He is 8 years old. He can count and add using Numicon. How far does this book go? Does it cover multiplication / division? Does it cover columnar / longer addition?
Answer: I completely get your question as my son with Down syndrome is also 8. The truth is that he will probably fall into the second half of the book. There will be aspects that he has secured already and there will be some aspects he won't have secured. One of the reasons to get it is to ensure that all the ground work for the next level has been done and also there are sample questions that he can work through. It's about the understanding rather than just being able to do. My son can add 2-digit to 2-digit numbers using Numicon but he can't answer a simple framed addition question. The next stage that I'm working on currently maps out Entry Level 2 and that's when multiplication and division comes into it. But even children who have started multiplication who formed part of the focus group still fit firmly into this book's level because of the understanding aspect. Hope this makes sense.