The Maths Mum® - Workbook 11 - STATISTICS

The Maths Mum® - Workbook 11 - STATISTICS
This workbook covers the curriculum topic of STATISTICS.
STATISTICS can seem like a scary subject but it is a ‘fun’ topic within maths as it can be very visual and interactive. It usually involves children designing questionnaires, tally charts, asking people their opinion and then putting all theinformation together in a visual chart - bar chart, pictogram, line graph or pie chart. Quite often children find it intuitive. It is also a very useful life skill as we encounter statistical information on a daily basis as adults.
NOTE: Adults you might have to help the younger children to read the questions as their reading ability might not be up to it yet.
Maths questions are set by academic year. Each year throughout primary school from Reception to Year 6 has been set a curriculum appropriate question.
Find the right level for your child and work through the question. Remember that you can always do all the questions up to and including the year your child is in. And if your child is capable and willing they can always attempt the next year up.