The Maths Mum® - Workbook 14 - FRACTIONS

The Maths Mum® - Workbook 14 - FRACTIONS
This workbook covers the curriculum topic of FRACTIONS.
This workbook will solely focus on FRACTIONS and on their meaning. I will do a later workbook for KS2 children looking at decimals, percentages, ratio and proportion. Pages 3 to 6 gives an overview of all you need to know about FRACTIONS.
FRACTIONS are not included in the Early Year Foundation Stage targets so this workbook begins at Year 1. Some child in Reception Year might be able to try Year 1 will help. Maths questions are set by academic year. Each year throughout primary school from Year 1 to Year 6 has been set a curriculum appropriate question.
Find the right level for your child and work through the question. Remember that you can always do all the questions up to and including the year your child is in. And if your child is capable and willing they can always attempt the next year up.