The Maths Mum® - YEAR 1 - End of Year Review & Assessment

The Maths Mum® - YEAR 1 - End of Year Review & Assessment
To help parents to help their children, The Maths Mum® has put together a series of booklets to cover the key maths learning covered by year by topic and an associated workbook to check your child’s understanding. The government set the national curriculum and a programme of study for maths details the exact requirements for that specific school year.
Given the disruption caused by the current Coronavirus pandemic, it is highly likely that not all topics of learning were covered before lockdown. Not all schools follow the same ‘scheme of work’ - the weekly timetable teachers follow that specifies topics to teach, lesson plans and worksheets for children - and therefore we don’t necessarily know which class / school has covered or not covered which topic.
With this in mind, the topic assessments are designed to check each specific learning point as detailed in the programme of study. If your child is able to answer all the questions then they are secure in the maths learning for that year. If your child finds some of the questions easy and some more difficult within a specific topic it means that, although they have covered the topic at school, they need a little extra help to secure the topic and gives you a focus of how you can help. If a child finds all the questions difficult and doesn’t understand what is required of them then it is safe to say that this topic probably wasn’t covered before lockdown and therefore you will need to assist your child with this topic and teach it from the beginning.
This is a digital downloaded pdf.